Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back to School Night....

John and I had two nights out this week for Emma and Henry's "back to school" night. Every year I surprise the kids with little bags of treats in their desks with a note of encouragement to kick off the new school year. They look forward to it as much as I do!

This year, I was trying to be organized and place these two bags within a reusable grocery bag in the back of my car so that I wouldn't forget them at home. While Henry and I were waiting for Emma to complete her soccer practice he went in the way back of the car. The next thing that I heard were tears and he was telling me that he had hurt his back but I couldn't figure out how he had hurt himself. He continued to cry all the way home and while were were leaving for the event...

When we came home from Emma's event we put the kids to bed. A few minutes later Henry came out crying so I took him back to his bed and he was telling me he felt like he had done something wrong and he didn't know how to fix it. This went on for about a 1/2 hour and he couldn't figure out what he had done. I asked if he had gotten into trouble at school, had he hurt someone's feeling, etc... I finally settled him down and went back into my room and he came back in within 5 minutes. During that 5 minutes a lightbulb had gone off in my head...he had see the surprise!!! I asked him if he had seen the treat and he started to cry.....he told me that he had but he hadn't read the card. He was so sad that he had ruined his own surprise. I reassured him that I would get him something else and that everything would be just fine. Once again he was at peace!!!

My mother started this tradition with my sister and I. I am thrilled to be carrying it on with my own kids!

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