Friday, October 29, 2010

Life unexpected........

We had a surprise yesterday when we went to meet with Henry's doctor regarding a growth in his nose that we have been trying to get rid of for weeks with an assortment of antibiotics. We were unsuccessful!!! Dr. Amin told us that she thought that it would be best if we removed it surgically.... my heart just sank when I heard we were in store for the operating room.

We left our house at 5:15 this morning and headed down the moonlit pike towards Children's Hospital. It's amazing when it is dark and there is no traffic to concentrate on how you can just think. My thoughts went back to when Henry was just four months old and had double kidney surgery- a very scary time for us but for me this time was MORE scary. At four months, I was just getting to know the little guy but now at almost eight I know him like the back of my hand and he was terrified going in this morning. So hard for a mom to see. He wasn't crying it was a very controlled fear which made it even worse.

My mind also thought of all the other parents/ families that travel this same road everyday to visit the great hospitals that we have in Boston. We are so blessed to have these wonderful facilities and the people that make them run- from the doctors to the nurses to the liaisons and so on...a big thank you goes out to each and everyone that touch our lives today. You made it all tolerable!

Henry is recovering at home and I am making chicken always make me feel better knowing that a big vat of chicken soup will cure any ailment because it is made with such love for a husband and children.

We know this place to well. Maybe we can take a break for the next few years.

Henry before surgery. He chose cherry as the flavor for the gas.... It smelled horrible!!
In recovery- sleeping peacefully. He looks like a little angel!

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