Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lacrosse has begun..

Emma and Henry have both started lacrosse for the first time this year. There is a learning curve to lacrosse but they both seem very excited to tackle this challenge. I am excited to actually learn this game. Henry's equipment is completely to come.

Here's to the Spring (even though more snow is predicted for tomorrow). Emma has lacrosse and soccer. Henry is participating in soccer, baseball and lacrosse. We will be quite busy!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Crazy Hat Day and More COOKBOOKS.....

Henry had DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) day at school with the theme of wearing your craziest hat. He was so excited to wear this beauty all day. He is clutching his favorite book from his favorite author at the moment. He is a such fantastic reader. I have wanted to take a picture of how he holds his books as he read - very cute. I will post that later.

Below, are my two new favorite cookbooks. They look so "Springy" to me.

Made a teriffic recipe out of this chicken with a wonderful coucous. I love how each recipe has a picture along with recipes for the sides that go with the main course. So easy to plan and to make!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Best Friends

(jardin des tuileries- Paris)

As I went through the pictures of Emma and Henry today, I found so many darling pictures of the two of them together. Neither one of them knows the life without the other. They are truly best friends. Sure, they fight and argue but at the end of the day if they didn't have each other in their lives they would be missing a piece of themselves. As they continue to grow older, I hope their relationship continues to blossom.

When I asked Henry who he thought the prettiest girl was he said "Emma." Yesterday, when Emma and I were out shopping she told me that she missed Henry. Knowing, how much each of them care for the other makes me so happy.

(montepulciano, italy)

Monday, March 7, 2011

What could possibly be going on here......

Henry is FASCINATED by flying. This is another attempt at buliding a "flying machine." Let's not forget he had huge plans to build a flying broomstick like Harry rides on in all of the Harry Potter movies when he is playing Quidditch. He tried last month buliding this.

He is so determined and I love this about him.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Family Rules

Excited!! We received our "Family Rules" sign today from Tara today. I have been looking for a something to go on top of this piece in our kitchen for what seems like months. When I found out about her blog through Pam's blog I was sold instantly.

For months, I have been writing inspiring quotes on a whiteboard for my children to look daily each time they passed by. This sign is gorgeous and reminds all of us on how we should act each day. I know that I need reminders and now all that I have to do is look up when I am making dinner (Always Be Grateful) , helping Emma or Henry with homework (Be Patient), breaking up and argument (Be Honest and Forgive), and talking over dinner as a family (Learn From Your Mistakes, Keep Your Promises, Help Others and Share). I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this sign. Thank you Tara!! Check out her blog- it is so fun and beautiful!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Time Together

Out time together with Celia and her family was so much fun and so special. I never take for granted one moment that we all get to spend together. The time is so precious!!!

Henry reading to Graham. (one of my favorite books)

The kids at their local recreation center complete with an amazing indoor pool. I am not sure why Massachusetts has none of these centers. They are missing the boat!!

Celia and I were making dinner and Graham was so hungary that he couldn't wait. Celia and I decided to just let it go and he ate off of the floor for quite some time very happily.

Mark makes the perfect cup of coffee!! !

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Sisters- what a special relationship. It has been a year and 1/2 since Celia moved to Boulder. It feels like an eternity for me. I miss her and her family more than they will ever know.

Celia and I have never been apart except for the last year and 1/2. It seems unfair that it is at this point in our lives where we have so much to share with one another. Emma and Henry miss their cousins and absolutely love spending time with them. There is nothing like seeing your children and your siblings children playing and laughing together. There is a bond there that can't be replicated with friends.

We miss you guys!!!

This walk to downtown Boulder started off well but by the end Graham(or Wiggy as we all like to call him) was kicking Harper. Little Stinker!!

These pictures with the pig I take every is amazing to see how much the children have grown and changed over one year.

Celia and I

Hiking with Daddy and Mark. Celia and I headed back with Harper and Graham. It was a gorgeous day!!
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